
Monday, June 20, 2011


There aren't very many e-currencies used in the field of high-yield online investments. LibertyReserve is the foundation, PerfectMoney is the first one that comes to mind after LR. AlertPay is the most controversial payment method, and everything else is exotic. Basing even on such a short list that includes LR and PM, there appears a possibility, and sometimes even need for e-currency conversion, exchange and purchase. For these purposes, there are special electronic exchangers, which have recently begun to actively integrate into HYIP industry. Today we will take a look at this tendency.

There are three approaches to the exchange process. The first one is a NanoEnergyProject approach. A similar approach was used by The essence of it, is that you exchange money at your back office. Meaning the exchange function is in the script. Another option is recommendations. Programs post links to "trusted" exchangers on their websites. Of course, it is not "embed in HYIP" and similar symbiosis existed for quite a long time. However, we wonder how exactly it works. For example, there are two programs that recommend exchangers on their pages. They are and We tried to contact them, but they do not respond. The administration ignores our questions, or simply does not work.

The third version of "embedding" is the fulfillment of orders for exchange by the administration of a HYIP. This option is now offered by a short-term and popular program LucrativaFund. The process is easy in this case. If you want to change, you write the administrator and get the necessary e-currency. Price for services and the speed is a different story. Without a doubt, exchanging through admin should be cheaper comparing to exchanging in an exchanger. It might be even for free. Especially with those e-currencies which an administrator requires. The process should also be faster, especially if you have contacted this admin in advance and agreed on a deal.

As for the options of exchange, then in case with both NanoEnergyProject and LucrativaFund, we deal with the same list of e-currencies. Namely: LibertyReserve, AlertPay and PerfectMoney. By the way, the exchange of AP to LR and PM, as well as the reverse exchange is not such a common phenomenon and offering such an option may be beneficial. However LucrativaFund, for example, offers just purchasing AlertPay for LR and PM. If you need AP, you can simply create a deposit with LR or PM and exchange it for AP. The procedure is adapted and is not a separate feature, as it is in NanoEnergyProject, but most importantly is that it allows you to get additional flexibility. And I hope that exchange services based on HYIPs will develop.

Martin Eden,

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